Saturday, January 5, 2013

Plans for the Year

Stories for 2013
January:  Saved (Cinderella Trilogy)
February:  Smell of Victory (Cinderella Trilogy)
March:  Just Imagine (Cinderella Trilogy)
April:  Good Neighbors (Glass Hills Trilogy)
May:  Glass Hills (Glass Hills Trilogy)
June:  Is That All? (Glass Hills Trilogy)
July:  Humongous Problems (Inventive Trilogy)
August:  Humongous Adventures (Inventive Trilogy)
September:  Humongous Ambitions (Inventive Trilogy)
October:  A Little Rusty (Coblyn Trilogy)
November:  Silence Is Golden (Coblyn Trilogy)
December:  Soundly Sleepy (Coblyn Trilogy)
-- Accepting submissions for 2014 stories and artwork.  Click on "Join In" at left.

January Art Contest
REMEMBER!  You can't win a contest if you don't enter!

Since Flip Side Fairy Tales is still young, we're not getting dozens of entries yet.  Send a picture soon!

Here's the link to the rules:  Art Contest January 31 Deadline

January's FREE Story

This month's free story is #1:  Saved.

Cinderella didn't tell Prince Edward about some left-over magic. Her normal every-day problem is being late all the time because of "the crouchers," who pester her night and day. The kingdom's glass work artists ambush her no matter where she goes, bowing low in front of her, and always asking for an endorsement of their newest shoe designs. She gets bigger problems, though. When the princess makes a stray wish, it brings friendly mountain ogres into the middle of a state visit from a neighboring king. Cinderella and Prince Edward have their hands full. Will the orges wish ruin the whole kingdom, the crops, or just the palace? Will she ever escape from the crouchers? Cinderella and Prince Edward spend a very memorable week saving each other from one disaster after another.

Click on the chapters one by one.  Enjoy the story!

Quick Tip:  If you click on a page as you read, it will be enlarged, and appear in crystal clear focus.  Then you can use arrow buttons on your keyboard to turn the page.

READ THE STORY before it gets changed on the 7th of each month.  Once it's gone, it might not come back -- it all depends on who's inspired to write and how many stories we are juggling.