The color version of this drawing is so charming, it makes us wish every book could be in color! Kennedy only knew the short one in the picture was Cinderella and the ogre was a lot bigger -- a LOT BIGGER. What an awesome job. It helps that the ogre looks like a nice guy. In Cindrella's world, the mountain ogres are decent people, just a lot to deal with. Kennedy got a free book for winning the contest. Yay!

here's how the drawing turned out for the book. It's the last thing you'll see in the book Big Help
Each month, we have a coloring contest. If you like this drawing, print it out, color it and e-mail a picture of your work to One winner in the coloring contest is chosen each month and gets a free book.
To enter the chapter art contest, go to to learn what pictures are needed for upcoming books.